【パーカーポイント (94)点】
シャプティエ エルミタージュ ブラン ル メアル セレクション パーセレール 2002 ダブルマグナム 3000ml Chapoutier Ermitage Blanc Le Meal フランス ローヌ 白ワイン

商品番号 16123-053
[ 4,840 ポイント進呈 ]
  • 送料無料
販売価格 ¥ 96,800 税込
メンバー価格 ¥ 76,780 税込
  • 投稿日
    シャプティエ ブランの中でル メアルは私にとって想い出深い 一本です。3000mlですので24名以上のワイン会でゆっくりと 飲みたいものですね。〆はソーテルヌが合いそうですかね。 ルージュはローヌかブルゴーニュか?迷いますね。 どちらにしても楽しみです。


ワイン名エルミタージュ ブラン ル メアル
Ermitage Blanc Le Meal



解説パーカーポイント: 94点

Perhaps the most surprising thing is how spectacular the 2002 whites are from Michel Chapoutier. Because of space limitations, I am only listing the numerical score for this wine, which is evolved, but exceptional for such a challenging vintage. As I have said so many times over the last 15 years, the top Chapoutier wines are meant for very long term drinking, and are not designed for immediate gratification. Everything Chapoutier is doing, from his bio-dynamically farmed vineyard to tiny yields, extended fermentations, indigenous yeasts, and no fining or filtration, is done to produce the essence of a vineyard and a vintage. His track record since 1989 and 1990 admirably proves that these are indeed remarkable wines made by a young genius who refuses to compromise. Michel Chapoutier has been misunderstood by some of his peers, and there is a lot of jealousy when someone this young is so incredibly talented, but it is an irrefutable fact that these are wines of singular greatness as well as longevity.
(156, The Wine Advocate 27th Dec 2004)
