【パーカーポイント 96点】
クリュッグ コレクション 1989 Krug Collection フランス シャンパン シャンパーニュ

商品番号 2307-2-090
[ 16,500 ポイント進呈 ]
  • 送料無料
販売価格 ¥ 330,000 税込
メンバー価格 ¥ 298,000 税込
パーカーポイント: 96点

Krug’s 1989 Brut Krug Collection represents their most recent in a long-running series of late-releases that feature a vintage they have decided is especially expressive after entering what they refer to as its “second life.” In theory, if you have ideal cellar conditions and bought Krug’s initial disgorgement of the 1989 vintage when it came on the market around a decade ago, then you have essentially the same wine today, though I have never been lucky enough to make the relevant direct comparison. Given the relative infrequency with which a vintage is “declared” by Krug, their “Collection” bottlings represent the remnants of an already elite band. But this 1989 represents the first re-release from the only series of three consecutive vintage bottlings - 1988-1990 - in Krug’s history. The mingling of saline, nutty, and caramelized notes in the nose - adumbrating this wine’s entire performance - is gorgeous. Butter-toasted hazelnuts, dried wild mushrooms, kelp, and cocoa mingle in a silken, mouthwateringly saline and savory matrix reminiscent of oyster liquor laced with fresh lemon juice (because, there is still a youthfully citric store of energy here). This finishes with correspondingly pronounced umami and with tangy vibrancy of citrus and salt. After a day open, the nutty elements become more piquant and walnut-like, but the smoky hints of oxidation remain balanced by citric and mineral elements and positively integrated into a mysteriously diverse show. The palate becomes plusher (perhaps in part due to diminishing mousse) and creamy in an almost whipped-cream fashion, yet the long finish continues to offer uncanny refreshment. Certainly this can be safely held for at least a few more years and perhaps in an ideal cellar will “plateau” (or continue to).
(The Wine Advocate, Nov 30, 2013)


クリュッグ Krug

1843年にヨハン=ヨゼフ・クリュッグによって設立された由緒あるメゾンです。クリュッグはその年の250区画のワインと膨大なリザーブワインライブラリーにある、異なる14年分の150区画のワインとブレンドの技術を組み合わせ、クリュッグ グランド・キュヴェの生産と、すべてのクリュッグ シャンパーニュの美、表現、エレガンスを実現するのに必要な時間を絶対的に尊重し、毎年最高のシャンパーニュを造りあげています。

クリュッグ 一覧へ
