【パーカーポイント 94点】
ル パン 1995 ラベル不良 シャトー ル・パン ルパン Le Pin フランス ボルドー 赤ワイン

商品番号 2107-1-129b
[ 5,500 ポイント進呈 ]
  • 送料無料
販売価格 ¥ 550,000 税込
メンバー価格 ¥ 428,000 税込

生産者ル パン
Le Pin



解説パーカーポイント: 94点
予想される飲み頃:2003 - 2025

Some of the hard tannins this wine possessed early in life have sloughed off to reveal a wine that has a stunning nose of roasted herbs, caramel, smoke, barbecue notes along with fruitcake, blackberry, and black cherry jam, and a bit of white chocolate also entering the smorgasbord of scents. Full-bodied, with low acidity but still moderately high tannin, still a tightly knit, very concentrated wine that is surprisingly structured and backward for Le Pin. It is also a bit more massive than most vintages. Anticipated maturity: 2008-2025.
(Bordeaux Book, 4th Edition, The Wine Advocate, 1st Jan 2003)
